Well, we have a new shirt: 3 Fingers High Series (F' U.M.). We are using the gift of the Black Panther like Middle Finger with the initial of thee Uncondemning Monk forming the 2nd minor fingers. The three have but one message, as the false fingers are a thin disguise, which cannot hid the middle pillar, the I floating above its base, the fist. Well, we have said enough, check out our ANTI-CONTROL T-Shirt; and by that we mean BUY ONE!
Anti-Control Uncondemning 3 Fingers High
or see http://www.zazzle.com/theeuncondemningmonk
*donations = survival (move to the bioexchange)
Anti-Control Uncondemning 3 Fingers High
or see http://www.zazzle.com/theeuncondemningmonk
*donations = survival (move to the bioexchange)